Our Goals
Short- and long-term goals towards creating a safe and affirming school environment with suggested time for implementation after each goal.
1. Inclusive Curriculum
1.1. Health class: Update curriculum to align with COMAR; discussion of gender inclusive support (safety and accessibility of binders, tucking, etc.) (August 2021)
1.2. History of LGBTQIA+ people incorporated into all classes (Ongoing - complete by 2023-2024 SY)
1.3. Books about LGBTQIA+ people incorporated into all classes (August 2021 for English, August 2023 for remaining)
1.4. Music, art, literature, plays, etc. by LGBTQIA+ people incorporated in Fine Arts curricula throughout the school system (August 2023)
1.5. Science (terminology about transgender and intersex bodies, chromosomes, etc.) (August 2022)
1.6. Staff training for faculty - terminology, anti-bias, LGBTQIA+ history (August 2021 - coupled with training for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5)
1.7. LGBTQIA+ representation in curriculum development meetings (August 2021)
1.8. Evaluation of the current practices of HCPSS teachers (survey of 8th and 12th grade students annually beginning May 2022)
2. Staff Training – focusing on issues specific to LGBTQIA+ students
2.1. Sufficient literacy so that staff members have a baseline knowledge and ability to use affirming language, and speak about LGBTQIA+ issues in an informed manner (August 2021)
2.2. Expecting misunderstandings or mistakes will occur because these are structural biases, and learning to recover them in ways that are affirming and not defensive (August 2021)
2.3. Training on suicide awareness that includes increased risk incurred by LGBTQIA+ young people and how to spot those at most risk (August 2021)
2.4. Urgency of reaching out to young people who are not affirmed at home. People at school are literally all they have. (Q4 2020-21)
2.5. Training about the importance of inclusive curriculum, having GSAs at all middle and high schools, and other issues affecting LGBTQIA+ students about which staff make decisions (August 2021)
3. Prioritizing hiring openly LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff
3.1. Vetting insurance policies regarding gender affirming care
3.2. Ensuring that new-hire paperwork and onboarding is affirming (April 2021)
3.3. Offering use of chosen name for all faculty and staff (as is offered to students) (August 2021)
3.4. Hiring faculty and staff at all levels with deep knowledge of LGBTQIA+ community & history (Ongoing with action plans in place by Spring 2021)
3.5. Hiring staff specializing in the mental health care and support for LGBTQIA+ youth (Ongoing with action plans in place by Spring 2021)
4. Create a LGBTQIA+ advisory board (April 2021)
4.1. Create an advisory board like Special Education Advisory Board and other Community Advisory Boards
4.2. Ensuring representation of LGBTQIA+ voices on policy committees
5. School Climate
5.1. Create a policy that codifies protection of LGBTQIA+ students’ rights (Chartering policy committee Q1 2021-22)
5.2. Gender-inclusive bathrooms and locker rooms in main student & staff areas (introduced by end of 2020-21, implemented by August 2021)
5.3. Requesting a presenting name (masking a student’s deadname in the system). (Ongoing, discussed when new students enroll)
5.4 Adding pronouns for students and faculty/staff (in online meetings, Canvas, and in email signature). (End of 2020-21)
5.5 Change parent designation in Synergy to "Guardian 1" "Guardian 2" etc. instead of "Mother" and "Father" and add pronoun option (August 2021)
5.6. Resources available in multiple languages (August 2021)
5.7. Implement a Rainbow Ribbon Schools recognition program, spearheaded by CARY (introduced by end of 2020-21)